The diversity of microorganisms in the intestinal flora, the possible disease risk factors created by these, and detailed nutritional and lifestyle change recommendations that will be useful in eliminating these risks are reported about your gut microbiome, which helps you make the best lifestyle and nutritional choices for you. This information can be interpreted by experts and personalized diet and treatment recommendations can be made.


The human microbiome is the collection of microbes (bacteria, viruses, and single-celled eukaryotes) that live in the human body. In a healthy human body, the amount of bacterial cells dominates the number of human cells. However, the identity and degree of density of bacteria are different among individuals, this variability differs from person to person, and the importance and extent of its role in the development of diseases and disease susceptibility was not known. It is emphasized that (irritable bowel syndrome-IBS ulcerative colitis, etc.) cardiovascular diseases, regulation of metabolic syndrome weight management is one of the basic elements for understanding the development mechanism of neurological diseases, brain health balance and inflammatory disorders.

Although bacteria are often associated with infections, their colonization within the body and on its surface is essential for life to continue in balance. The human body is dependent on these microbes, and by providing the protection mechanism they have developed against bacteria that cause diseases, they help with the digestion and absorption of nutrients, the synthesis of some vitamins, the regulation of the immune system, and the well-being and maintenance of the person.

Microorganisms are in a balance of communication and interaction both with each other and with the host. Disruption of this balanced relationship may cause the immune system to remain vulnerable and insufficient against diseases such as infection, IBS, autoimmune diseases, behavioral disorders, diabetes and cancer. With the developments in science and health, it is possible to treat diseases directly or indirectly with fecal transplantation, living biotherapeutic products-(probiotics) and new molecules obtained from microorganisms.


Microorganisms in the human body are unique in the nature of fingerprints. With the ability to characterize the microbiome (the genetic material of the microbiome can be read with Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Technology), it is possible to discover and understand the role of microorganisms in disease.

The fact that the composition and metabolic capacity of the microbiome differ from person to person is the reason for the differences between individuals in the development of diseases, the response to treatment or the observation of unexpected effects.

The microbiome has an important role in human health. Due to its interpersonal variability, its function on the carrier and its contribution to the health of the carrier, it has become a targetable factor in preventive and personalized medicine for choosing the right method in the treatment of intestinal flora and applying appropriate therapies.

Intestinal flora microbiome treatment methods:

  • Appropriate use of probiotics
  • Creating personalized diet and nutrition programs suitable for the microbiome map
  • Fecal microbiota transplantation

The microbiome can be used both as a modulator and a target of conventional therapies and treatments. The variable response to therapy and treatments, the development of unexpected adverse conditions, is not only dependent on the individual's disease phenotype or genetic information, but is also the result of the microbiome composition in the intestinal flora.


EPIBIOME is a clinical microbiome imaging test with gene sequencing infrastructure. The test identifies both beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms that are associated with many diseases such as IBS, IBD, ulcerative colitis and Crown Disease, psychological problems, mood and depression.

  • EPIBIOME Oxford offers advanced microbiome analysis with Nanopore Sequencing technology and leading experts with strong academic knowledge.
  • EPIBIOME offers reliable reporting with its scientific approach and application in artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistics.
  • EPIBIOME aligns with DNA sequencing alone or also detects microorganisms that can be identified on top of it. Only family/genus composition of microbiome They work at the level of identification of species, rather than on the analysis of the species. Thus, identifying common species as well as less common species makes it possible to evaluate different situations.